In John 4:37-38 we read: "One sows and another reaps. I've sent you to reap a crop for which you have not toiled. Others toiled and you have come in for the harvest of that toil. " Whatever our service for God and the church there cannot be and must not be any sense of personal achievement or failure on the part of those who serve. One can work for weeks or years and see no results. But when we have planted the seed right God will send others to finish the job. He will see to it that the work is done, the harvest is his. Or if we really have quick success, almost breathtaking with seemingly little effort on our part, undoubtedly someone got things ready for us; someone else did a lot of hard work. Let us be careful to remember that somehow the harvest is still God's.
O God, help us to see that we are only part of the great network of servants that make up the church. May we be faithful knowing that your purposes will ultimately prevail. Amen.